Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Pleased to Announce...

Firstly, Austin, Texas' favorit squid-based producer of science fictions, SPACE SQUID, has picked up my short story "Dragon Came To Galveston to Die", pending some edits to shorten it.

Secondly, respected indie press out of Lexington, Kentucky, APEX BOOK PUBLISHING, has picked up the electronic rights to LAST DRAGON, so you can have some awesome, mind-bending fantasy fiction on your Kindle from the Kindle Store, or any other sort of reader you want from FictionWise, courtesy of Jason Sizemore and me.

I am pleased.


  1. Coolio to both!

    I loaned my copy of Last Dragon to a friend, who seems to have decided to keep it. I was going to pick up a paperback version (and probably still will), but I think I'll download a copy to my Sony reader when it's out!

  2. One of the things that made me seek out Apex, and makes me happy to work with them is the low cost of their eBooks.

    You can pick up an edition for your Sony Reader for less than a quality used paperback.

    How cool is that?

  3. That's very cool. It's extra cool!

    Do you know when it'll be released yet?

  4. First let me get the contract signed, K.C.

    See, your twitchy, itching need for an inexpensive LAST DRAGON eBook is *exactly* why I pursued this path.

  5. Sign fast. I'm jonesing here, man, I'm jonesing!

  6. It's a real honor to be e-publishing LAST DRAGON. It's a fantastic book, Joe.
