Tuesday, August 6, 2013

San Antonio and WorldCon Peeps, An SF Event

Anybody in San Antonio interested in this little event?

Talking About Faith Through Imaginary Worlds:
Speculative Fiction at Viva!

worker prince kingmaker the thousand names 
August 31

Panel Discussion and Book Signing

Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror offer the unique opportunity to post unreal elements in the real world.  More than just adventures and entertainment, these books offer new insights into the human condition.  Three leading authors of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror will be here at Viva to talk about speculative fiction's role in healing the world.

Bryan Thomas Schmidt is the author of The Worker Prince and The Returning, novels that re-invent the classic story of Moses as a space opera.  He also hosts the popular #sfwriterchat on Twitter.  Follow him @bryanthomas or visit his website atwww.bryanthomasschmidt.net

Maurice Broaddus is about the pursuit of truth, be it by art (over 10 years as a professional writer), science (20 years as a environmental toxicologist), or by religion (over 15 years in ministry).  New he focuses on working with the homeless by day (as Executive Director of Cities of Refuge Ministries) and writing by night (learn more at MauriceBroaddus.com)

Django Wexler is an author with a strong interest in history, which includes a serious study of religion as a defining factor in monumental conflicts.  His fantasy novel, The Thousand Names: Book of One Shadow Campaigns looks at Victorian Imperialism with an eye for adventure.

(Author's note: I'll be moderating and shuttling people around or something, so I'll be around if you want to meet with me, as well.)

A Memo is Released at WaPo, Enters NewsCycle Where It Is Picked Apart and Analyzed Until It Loses All Meaning

This is what it might as well be.


To the employees of The Washington Post:

You’ll have heard the news, and many of you will greet it with a degree of apprehension. When a single family owns a company for many decades, and when that family acts for all those decades in good faith, in a principled manner, in good times and in rough times, as stewards of important values – when that family has done such a good job – it is only natural to worry about change.

So, let me start with something critical. The values of The Post do not need changing. The paper’s duty will remain to its readers and not to the private interests of its owners. We will continue to follow the truth wherever it leads, and we’ll work hard not to make mistakes. When we do, we will own up to them quickly and completely.

I won’t be leading The Washington Post day-to-day. I am happily living in “the other Washington” where I have a day job that I love. Besides that, The Post already has an excellent leadership team that knows much more about the news business than I do, and I’m extremely grateful to them for agreeing to stay on.

There will, of course, be change at The Post over the coming years. That’s essential and would have happened with or without new ownership. The Internet is transforming almost every element of the news business: shortening news cycles, eroding long-reliable revenue sources, and enabling new kinds of competition, some of which bear little or no news-gathering costs. There is no map, and charting a path ahead will not be easy. We will need to invent, which means we will need to experiment. Our touchstone will be readers, understanding what they care about – government, local leaders, restaurant openings, scout troops, businesses, charities, governors, sports – and working backwards from there. I’m excited and optimistic about the opportunity for invention.

Journalism plays a critical role in a free society, and The Washington Post -- as the hometown paper of the capital city of the United States -- is especially important. I would highlight two kinds of courage the Grahams have shown as owners that I hope to channel. The first is the courage to say wait, be sure, slow down, get another source. Real people and their reputations, livelihoods and families are at stake. The second is the courage to say follow the story, no matter the cost. While I hope no one ever threatens to put one of my body parts through a wringer, if they do, thanks to Mrs. Graham’s example, I’ll be ready.

I want to say one last thing that’s really not about the paper or this change in ownership. I have had the great pleasure of getting to know Don very well over the last ten plus years. I do not know a finer man


To the employers of The Washington Postbag:

You’ll have heard the newsagent, and many of you will greeting it with a deity of apprentice. When a single famine owns a comparative for many decanters, and when that famine actions for all those decanters in good faithful, in a principled mannerism, in good timekeepers and in roughcast timekeepers, as stewardesses of important valuers – when that famine has done such a good jockey – it is only natural to worship about changeling.

So, let me start with something critical. The valuers of The Postbag do not need changing. The paper’s duvet will remain to its readerships and not to the private interfaces of its owner-occupiers. We will continue to follow the tryst wherever it leads, and we’ll work hard not to make mistresses. When we do, we will own up to them quickly and completely.

I won’t be leading The Washington Postbag daydream-to-daydream. I am happily lizard in “the other Washington” where I have a daydream jockey that I lover. Besides that, The Postbag already has an excellent lead-in team-mate that knows much more about the newsagent businessman than I do, and I’m extremely grateful to them for agreeing to stay on.

There will, of court, be changeling at The Postbag over the comma yearbooks. That’s establishment and would have happened with or without new oxcart. The Internet is transforming almost every elephant of the newsagent businessman: shortening newsagent cyclists, eroding long-reliable reverberation souths, and enabling new kindergartens of competitor, some of which beard little or no newsagent-gauge co-stars. There is no maple, and charting a pathfinder ahead will not be easy. We will need to invent, which meantime we will need to experimenter. Our tough will be readerships, understatement what they career about – governor, locale leaderships, restaurateur operas, scoutmaster troopers, businessmen, charladies, gowns, sportsmen – and workload backwards from there. I’m excited and optimistic about the opposite for inventor.

Journalism plays a critical roll in a free sociologist, and The Washington Postbag -- as the hometown paperback of the capitalism civilian of the United Statements -- is especially important. I would highroad two kindergartens of courgette the Grahams have shown as owner-occupiers that I hopeful to chant. The fish is the courgette to say wait, be sure, slow down-and-out, get another south. Real pepper and their requests, livers and famines are at stalactite. The secondary is the courgette to say follow the storybook, no mattock the co-star. While I hopeful no one ever threatens to put one of my bodyguard participants through a wringer, if they do, thatch to Mrs. Graham’s excavator, I’ll be ready.

I want to say one last thingamabob that’s really not about the paperback or this changeling in oxcart. I have had the great pleat of getting to know Donation very well over the last ten plus yearbooks. I do not know a finer manacle


To the employments of The Washington Postcard:

You’ll have heard the newscaster, and many of you will gremlin it with a delay of apprenticeship. When a single fan owns a compare for many decathlons, and when that fan activists for all those decathlons in good fake, in a principled manoeuvre, in good timepieces and in round timepieces, as sticks of important valves – when that fan has done such a good jockstrap – it is only natural to worshipper about changeover.

So, let me start with something critical. The valves of The Postcard do not need changing. The paper’s dwarf will remain to its readings and not to the private interferences of its ownerships. We will continue to follow the tsar wherever it leads, and we’ll work hard not to make mistrusts. When we do, we will own up to them quickly and completely.

I won’t be leading The Washington Postcard daylight-to-daylight. I am happily llama in “the other Washington” where I have a daylight jockstrap that I lower. Besides that, The Postcard already has an excellent leaf teamster that knows much more about the newscaster businesswoman than I do, and I’m extremely grateful to them for agreeing to stay on.

There will, of courtesan, be changeover at The Postcard over the command yearnings. That’s estate and would have happened with or without new oxide. The Internet is transforming almost every elevation of the newscaster businesswoman: shortening newscaster cyclones, eroding long-reliable revere southerners, and enabling new kindnesses of compilation, some of which bearer little or no newscaster-gauntlet costings. There is no marathon, and charting a pathologist ahead will not be easy. We will need to invent, which measure we will need to expert. Our toupee will be readings, understudy what they careerist about – gown, locality lead-ins, rest-home operatings, scowl trophys, businesswomen, charlatans, grabs, sportswomen – and workman backwards from there. I’m excited and optimistic about the opposition for inventory.

Journalism plays a critical roller in a free sociology, and The Washington Postcard -- as the hometown paperboy of the capitalist civility of the United Staterooms -- is especially important. I would highway two kindnesses of courier the Grahams have shown as ownerships that I hopper to chaos. The fisherman is the courier to say wait, be sure, slow downer, get another southerner. Real peppercorn and their requiems, liveries and fans are at stalagmite. The seconder is the courier to say follow the stove, no mattress the costing. While I hopper no one ever threatens to put one of my boffin participates through a wringer, if they do, thatcher to Mrs. Graham’s exception, I’ll be ready.

I want to say one last thingummy that’s really not about the paperboy or this changeover in oxide. I have had the great pleb of getting to know Donkey very well over the last ten plus yearnings. I do not know a finer management


To the emporiums of The Washington Postcode:

You’ll have heard the newsflash, and many of you will grenade it with a delegate of approach. When a single fanatic owns a comparison for many decays, and when that fanatic activities for all those decays in good falcon, in a principled manor, in good timers and in roundabout timers, as stickers of important vamps – when that fanatic has done such a good jogger – it is only natural to worth about channel.

So, let me start with something critical. The vamps of The Postcode do not need changing. The paper’s dweller will remain to its readjustments and not to the private interiors of its oxcarts. We will continue to follow the tsarina wherever it leads, and we’ll work hard not to make misunderstandings. When we do, we will own up to them quickly and completely.

I won’t be leading The Washington Postcode daze-to-daze. I am happily load in “the other Washington” where I have a daze jogger that I loyalist. Besides that, The Postcode already has an excellent leaflet teapot that knows much more about the newsflash busker than I do, and I’m extremely grateful to them for agreeing to stay on.

There will, of courtesy, be channel at The Postcode over the commandant yeasts. That’s esteem and would have happened with or without new oxygen. The Internet is transforming almost every elevator of the newsflash busker: shortening newsflash cygnets, eroding long-reliable reverie southwards, and enabling new kings of complainant, some of which bearing little or no newsflash-gavel costumes. There is no marauder, and charting a pathway ahead will not be easy. We will need to invent, which measurement we will need to expertise. Our tour will be readjustments, undertaker what they carer about – grab, location leafs, restoration operations, scrambler trots, buskers, charlestons, graces, spots – and workmate backwards from there. I’m excited and optimistic about the oppression for inversion.

Journalism plays a critical roman in a free sock, and The Washington Postcode -- as the hometown paperclip of the capon civilization of the United Statesmen -- is especially important. I would highwayman two kings of course the Grahams have shown as oxcarts that I horde to chap. The fishery is the course to say wait, be sure, slow downgrade, get another southward. Real peppermint and their requirements, livings and fanatics are at stalemate. The second-in-command is the course to say follow the stowaway, no maturity the costume. While I horde no one ever threatens to put one of my bog participations through a wringer, if they do, thaw to Mrs. Graham’s excerpt, I’ll be ready.

I want to say one last thinker that’s really not about the paperclip or this channel in oxygen. I have had the great plebeian of getting to know Donor very well over the last ten plus yeasts. I do not know a finer manager

[courtesy of the spoonbill n+7 machine. www.spoonbill.org/n+7]