Monday, December 9, 2013
The neverending ending that neverends
I have been nearly done with this novel for so long now, I fell like I'm caught in a timewarp. Always there's one more thing to do, another thing, and then another, and then I have to change something and do something and wait, do I have time to work today? Where did the time go?
Where did the time go?
My birthday is coming down the pipe, and I measure my New Years upon such a thing, and race against it to try and finish this novel that will not, will not, stop.
Hey, MAZE is coming. Special order yourself a copy of MAZE from Apex Books, and maybe you'll be lucky to get a signed one. I expect those to show up shortly. So, go contact Jason and his team at and see if you aren't fast enough to merit one of the first 50 that will probably be signed, if any are left after the mailing list gets first pick!
Where did the time go?
I toil all day, locked in a cave, pushing words into a form and unpushing them.
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