Friday, January 9, 2015

Books that need your love and history

Every author craves reviews, even dead ones. What are you reading? Take a moment and spread the word about them.

I have written brief reviews where I think they will be seen of the last two books I read, Signal to Noise, and Mirror Empire, over at Reddit/r/fantasy. No time for in depth review while sick and writing like crazy before the semester starts next week.

Reading Cloudsplitter by Russel Banks, now, and theb past is such a strange, frightening country. The past is a place where so many children die young, so many men are horrible to each other, and all the old violence of history keeps beating everyone down.

Glancing at the news, which is horrible all over, the NAACP got bombed in a terrorist attack. I am reading about Harper's Ferry. Hands up, dont shoot, etc. How long does it take for the past to truly fall away into glittering dust, a place for costume dramas and curiosity and nothing more?

Not long enough. Stay safe and keep fighting for justice and peace, everyone.

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