Saturday, April 26, 2008

all the blogged poems and flash fictions...

here's a list with links of all the blogged poems, in no particular order.

so, i whiffed the dates when i was busy and whiffed international pixelated technopeasant day a little bit.

still, look below and notice that this isn't even half of everything i've given for your reading pleasure, totally free and creative commons'd on this blog.

bees don't

philly versus dallas

excerpts from an architecture textbook, translated into english for non-architects

further excerpts from an architecture textbook

further excerpts from an architecture textbook

again, excerpts from an architecture textbook

excerpts from an architecture textbook, a little longer

name him like a man

the liars

sentimental mercantilism


abandoned prose (look below the prose i abandoned for the poem.)

teenagers with cellphones

musicbox ghost (along with most excellent music video that inspired the poem.)


super dead boy

bye bye bye bye bye bi berlin

a little poem for the children about how a prince saved the kingdom from a giant spider

a very, very crappy romance villanelle that i am ashamed of composing

robot prostitute speaks

revenge of the thunderlizards II

life never stops for anyone

lovestory of beatrix fortuna

aspirin love

invisible deer

roe deer at a stream


after "the anger of achilles" by jacque louis-david

robert shirtliffe, (this poem originally appeared in tipton poetry journal #4)

three poems in a house

nyc in the bloodstream



orange suede parable

blues songs remixed into sonnets

another blues song remixed into a sonnet

the very first blues song i remixed into a sonnet

banged my head on a counter and it hurt very, very much

cowboy at breakfast

when the eggs are all invisible (this one got its line formatting messed up. i should totally fix that sometime.)

yesterday and i have all we need
(another one with messed up line formatting. must have been my fault on whatever machine i was using at the time, wherever i was at the time.)

one more night in berlin

night flight, first appearing in tipton poetry journal #7

fragment after altes pinarkotekt


what will they do when the president is gay?

snippets of half-remembered poetry from long ago

vaguely remembered fragments of lost poetry

my apologies, dearest emily

finally, the two poems i composed specifically for the holiday in question.

flash fiction: father
some flash fiction i put up in honor of pixelated technopeasant day last year: ein euro, bitte
Ooh, also here's a short story I still hear people liked called "Baboons"

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